If you get a whiff of home cooking in the Cape Breton Highlands, it might just be a galloping gourmet…but this one will be the four legged kind!

For the past eight years the Moose Working Group and UINR have hosted Feast in the Highlands.

What started as an opportunity for the people involved in moose management to get together to celebrate their progress, has grown to include both Mi’kmaq and non-native moose harvesters, Elders, youth, conservation officers and interested people from the community.

Feast in the Highlands is scheduled for Thursday October 4 at 12:30 at the paved airstrip 13 km from the Hunter’s Mountain entrance.

Clifford Paul, UINR’s Moose Management Coordinator has been involved since the beginning.

“The feast is very important–especially from a management perspective.

That we have both Mi’kmaq and non-Mi’kmaq harvesters gathered there, in the peak of the season, sends a strong message of stewardship and cooperation for moose and moose habitat.  

The common thread for everybody present is the love and respect of the moose resource and its sustainable management.

It’s a chance to share stories and visitors are encouraged to share and demonstrate their contributions of traditional knowledge (tall tales included).” 

The Feast will come complete with teepees, campfires, outdoor cooking and a buffet of moose stew, eels, baked beans, fishcakes, salmon, apple pie, lusknkn, and all the trimmings.

Everyone is welcome!

