
At the soul of everything we do at UINR is Netukulimk.

Netukulimk is the use of the natural bounty provided by the Creator for the self-support and well-being of the individual and the community. Netukulimk is achieving adequate standards of community nutrition and economic well-being without jeopardizing the integrity, diversity, or productivity of our environment.

As Mi’kmaq we have an inherent right to access and use our resources and we have have a responsibility to use those resources in a sustainable way. The Mi’kmaq way of resource management includes a spiritual element that ties together people, plants, animals, and the environment. UINR’s strength is in our ability to integrate scientific research with Mi’kmaq knowledge acquisition, utilization, and storage.

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Mi'kmaq Youth Elder Council Planning Session

June 6, 2006Netukulimk, News

Youth and Elders from across Nova Scotia met in Antigonish this spring to explore the possibility of forming a Youth Elder Council. The day began with presentations by Kwilmuk Maw-klusuaqn (KMK) on its mandate to address land, resource, and governance issues with the federal and provincial governments. In the afternoon, Laurie Suitor from UINR and … Read More

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