Fishing Striped Bass? We need your help!

April 18, 2018Netukulimk, News, Opportunities, Research

UINR is looking for fishers to help us gather genetic information on Striped Bass to determine spawning origin. We are asking fishers who retain fish to collect fin clips and measure length (and stomach contents are helpful). If you fish or are planning to fish for Striped Bass along the eastern coast of Cape Breton … Read More

Tribute to Weldon

Tribute to Weldon

March 24, 2018People

You have probably noticed that UINR has been very quiet these past few months. For those of you who have not heard, our Director of Communications, Weldon Bona, had taken a leave in the fall due to illness. He passed away peacefully on January 19th. Weldon was with UINR for nearly 15 years. Saying good-bye … Read More


September 30, 2017Moose, News

The date is set. The feast is ready. Please join us at the Blair J. Bernard Memorial Annual FEAST in the HIGHLANDS. Thursday October 5 , 2017 from 12:30–2:00 PM Th At the paved airstrip 13 km from Hunter’s Mountain entrance(watch for signs) N 46.220834 W -60.811577 The Feast will include a campfire, outdoor cooking, … Read More

Nikani Awtiken 2017

July 4, 2017News

If you or someone you know is 15 to 18 years old, is in school, and interested in the environment, you might want to join us on August 8–15 for our annual Nikani Awtiken summer camp. Check out the poster for details and contact Emma-Anne Keough at or Tommy Sylliboy at or call … Read More

What is Killing the Eagles?

What is Killing the Eagles?

May 10, 2017Guardian Program, News

We are! We are finding sick and dying eagles in the Highlands and elsewhere and there is no secret to the cause. Eagles are being exposed to highly toxic lead by eating shotgun pellets, bullet fragments or lead fishing tackle. Eagles ingest lead when fishing or scavenging dead animals. Dangers of lead are well-known and … Read More

TIA’M: Mese’k / The Whole MOOSE

TIA’M: Mese’k / The Whole MOOSE

May 5, 2017News

TIA’M: Mese’k / The Whole Moose UINR with sponsorship from Mi’kmaw Kina’matnewey just published a large poster and fact sheet that looks at how the Mi’kmaw have used moose for everything from food to clothing. Every part of the moose can be used–bones, teeth, hide, antlers–for everything from needles and knives to shoes and game … Read More

Latest Issue of UINR MARTEN

Latest Issue of UINR MARTEN

February 17, 2017News

The latest issue of UINR MARTEN (our 44th issue!) is now available as a free download. In this issue we cover the release of our two new books on oysters in the cover story, Oyster2 and give information on how you can get free copies. In the News section we look at the recent People … Read More

Commercial Fisheries in Unamaki: Marine Protected Areas

Commercial Fisheries in Unamaki: Marine Protected Areas

February 8, 2017Commerical Fisheries, News

John Couture is UINR’s Commercial Fisheries Liaison Coordinator and in this column he discusses some of the species and issues of importance to the Unama’ki commercial fishery. In this article he focuses on the proposed Marine Protected Area off the coast of Unama’ki. Think of a Marine Protected Area (MPA) as a park in the ocean. … Read More

Plamu/ Salmon NOTICE

Plamu/ Salmon NOTICE

January 20, 2017News, Research

Salmon returns remain critically low in most of Nova Scotia. Kelt fishing is only permitted in the Margaree River. Please refrain from fishing and/or keeping kelts (slinks, black salmon) in any other river. For more information please contact your local fisheries office.   Here’s a printable version of our poster.

Attention Unama’ki Salmon Fishers

Attention Unama’ki Salmon Fishers

January 20, 2017News, Research

Please report the river, date, and number of salmon kept between June and December, 2016 to your local fishery department by January 31, 2017. Please indicate whether retained salmon were large (63 cm or larger, 24 inches or larger) or small (less than 63 cm or 24 inches.) It’s our responsibility to report our catches … Read More

Look what we found! 

Look what we found! 

January 11, 2017Guardian Program, News

Here is a couple of photos of an American Marten taken by one of the wildlife cameras in the Cape Breton Highlands National Park. UINR’s Unama’ki Guardian Coordinator Keith Christmas, with Unama’ki guardians, helped Parks Canada with this project last year. In March 2016 we set out eight trail cameras at various locations across the … Read More

2016 Moose Harvest Completed

2016 Moose Harvest Completed

December 14, 2016Moose, News

UINR Moose Management Coordinator Clifford Paul reports “We are happy to announce that our moose harvest on North Mountain wrapped up on December 10, 2016. “This year we harvested 50 moose in a humane and respectful manner. “It was a very successful harvest, greatly due to the professionalism and enthusiasm of our harvest teams who … Read More