Employment Opportunities – FOUR positions!

June 24, 2022News

We are hiring for four positions: Habitat Restoration Interns and a Manager They are 11 week positions, and we’re looking to fill them as soon as possible. Apply now! Deadline is June 28th. Click here for full posting: Habitat restoration jobs

Request for Proposals – Mi’kmaq Forestry Initiative

June 2, 2022Forestry, Opportunities

The Mi’kmaq Forestry Initiative (MFI) is a province-wide effort to develop, manage and promote a Mi’kmaq-based forestry sector in which Mi’kmaq forestry stewardship and utilization are demonstrated, resulting in diverse opportunities in the forestry sector for Mi’kmaq individuals and communities. The objective of the work outlined in this Request for Proposal is to complete a … Read More

Three Job Opportunities

June 1, 2022Communications & Outreach, Forestry, Netukulimk, Opportunities

We have three job openings right now. We’d love to have you join our team! Click on the job titles for full postings, and submit your application to Annie Johnson, Director of Administration, annie@uinr.ca Renewable Energy Coordinator Spruce Budworm Coordinator Communications Officer 2022 Click on the title for a full posting.

UINR 2021 Scholarships

July 2, 2021News

Announcing UINR’s annual scholarships for individuals pursuing careers in science and natural resource management.  Deadline is Monday, July 12. Apply today!   For full descriptions, click on the links: Georgia pacific scholarship 2020 PH Paper Scholarship 2020 PHP Forestry scholarship 2020

UINR Partnership Tenets

UINR Partnership Tenets

May 12, 2021Aquatic Stewardship, Commerical Fisheries, Forestry, Guardian Program, IPCA, Library, Media, Moose, Netukulimk, Partnerships, Research

As a Mi’kmaw organization, we value insights from Western science and we also value our own ways of knowing and being. Given the interest in Two-Eyed Seeing, reconciliation and the need for many projects to collaborate and partner with Indigenous peoples, we would like to provide guidance on how this can be achieved with UINR. … Read More

We love Unama’ki species, and we know you love them too!

We love Unama’ki species, and we know you love them too!

February 10, 2021News

Happy Valentine’s Day! Ksaltimkewey na’kwek! We have just the right Valentine messages for your loved ones. Spread the love! Download these Valentines, cut them out, give them out to your Valentines. Click this link to see all 12 Valentines: UINR Valentines

Mackerel MEK

November 5, 2020Aquatic Stewardship, Netukulimk, Research

As part of our on-going commitment to learn about important species from our knowledge holders, UINR is pleased to introduce another addition to our Mi’kmaw knowledge booklets! While many of our previous booklets focused on species at risk, Atlantic mackerel, amalamek, continues to provide for our people as food and bait for other species when … Read More