Plamu salmon workshop

March 5, 2006News

A Plamu (salmon) workshop is scheduled for June 28/29 in Wagmatcook. This workshop will bring together salmon fishermen of all stripes, enforcement personnel from various agencies, and some fisheries scientists to identify the components of a management plan for the Atlantic Salmon in Cape Breton. It is hoped that bringing stakeholders of all groups together … Read More

CEPI Coordinator

March 5, 2006News, Partnerships

Shelley Porter has joined UINR as the Bras d’Or Lakes Collaborative Environmental Planning Initiative (CEPI) coordinator. CEPI was initiated by  Mi’kmaq to bring partners together to work collaboratively on solving environmental challenges in the Bras d’Or Lakes and to develop comprehensive environmental management plan for the Bras d’Or Lakes. CEPI blends First Nation knowledge, approaches … Read More

Mi'kmaq Youth Elder Council

March 5, 2006News

Watch for updates on the development of a Mi’kmaq Youth Elder Council. A planning session sponsored by UINR and Kwilmu’kw Maw-klusuaqn (KMK ) brings together Nova Scotian Mi’kmaq youth and elders to respond to issues surrounding land, resources, and governance. The Youth Elder Council will provide a mechanism by which traditional knowledge of the Elders … Read More

Traditional Ecological Knowledge Workshop

March 5, 2006News

Inclusion…holistic thinking… history…tradition…survival The Collaborative Environmental Planning Initiative’s Traditional Ecological Knowledge Workshop is being held to collect traditional ecological knowledge as part of the Ecosystem Overview and Assessment for the Bras d’Or Watershed (2004-05, Mike Parker). When this document went to review, it was criticized for being too Western-science-based and did not contain the two-eyed … Read More

Northern Red Oak

January 24, 2006Forestry, News

Mimkwonmooseel Northern Red Oak Quercus rubra L. Getting your Red Oak started is easy. 1. Soak your peat pellet in warm water until it expands fully. 2.Make a hole in the top of the peat pellet and plant your acorn below the surface. 3. Put your planted pellet on a saucer in a sunny window … Read More

Lobsters Get New Home

December 27, 2005News

The Unama’ki Institute of Natural Resources (UINR) was successful in bidding for an artificial habitat to be put in East Bay in the Bras d’Or Lakes (Lobster Fishing Area 28). Three hundred and twenty-four specially constructed concrete blocks were put into the Lake in October 2005 to become habitat for young lobsters that may not … Read More

Black Ash

December 24, 2005Forestry, News

Wisqoq | Black Ash Fraxinus nigra Wisqoq (Black Ash) have long held a special place in Mi’kmaq culture. Black Ash has a porous quality that allows it to be pounded into splints for use in basketry. Young black ash has bark that looks like cork. The wood is very unusual: when pounded, it splits into … Read More

Pjila'si – Winter 2005

December 12, 2005News

Pjila’si – Welcome to the second issue of the UINR MARTIN. We have been busy since our last newsletter and in this issue we’ll try to fill you in on some of our current projects and activities. The issue of moose management has been getting a lot of attention lately and I am happy to … Read More


December 5, 2005News, Partnerships

Dr. John Harker, President and Vice-Chancellor of Cape Breton University and Chief Terrance Paul, President of UINR, signed a Memorandum of Understanding formally recognizing the shared interests of CBU and UINR in the well-being of society and its environment in Unamaki. It provides a formal mechanism for the institutions to work cooperatively on the common … Read More

Piping Plover in the Bras d'Or?

December 5, 2005News

The piping plover (Charadrius melodus) is a bird found only in North America and is currently listed under the Species At Risk Act (SARA) as endangered. The adult is a small, sandy-colored bird with a white underbelly and black ring around its neck. Other distinctive features include a black band across its crown, an orange … Read More

Pitu'paq Report

December 5, 2005News, Partnerships

Pitu’paq was pleased to welcome Nova Scotia Department of Environment and Labour’s Deputy Minister Bill Lahey to its November meeting. Mr. Lahey was impressed with Pitu’paqâ’s collaborative process and congratulated the group on their successes to date. Recognizing that there is much more to accomplish, Mr.. Lahey brought a letter of support from his Department … Read More