The Oyster Garden Winter 2012

The Oyster Garden Winter 2012

April 2, 2012News

The story I’m about tell goes back to the sixties, the early days of my life. The information is a tribute to my Elders, relatives, friends, and native and non-native anglers. Most of the information was obtained through traditional knowledge and Elder Dr. Albert Marshall through his concept of two-eyed seeing. Growing up, I listened … Read More

Kataq–Mi’kmaq Knowledge on Bras d’Or Lakes Eels

Kataq–Mi’kmaq Knowledge on Bras d’Or Lakes Eels

March 26, 2012News, Research

After five years of research, community meetings and discussions with Elders and fishers, UINR is proud to announce the release of a new publication on Bras d’Or Lakes eels. At first, five years sounds like a long time but when you consider that the publication summarizes thousands of years of Mi’kmaq ecological knowledge, it doesn’t … Read More

ATTENTION: Mi'kmaq Salmon Fishers

ATTENTION: Mi'kmaq Salmon Fishers

March 14, 2012News

Margaree Salmon Association is tracking salmon in the Margaree River and Atlantic Ocean. If you find a black cylindrical device (about 2 1/2 inches in size) inside a salmon kelt (commonly known as slink salmon), contact UINR with information on catch date and location. If you catch a salmon kelt and you notice a one-inch … Read More

Please don't burn grass!

Please don't burn grass!

March 12, 2012News

It’s that time of the year again. While many people still feel that burning grass is good for the environment, it really isn’t. Check out UINR’s flier on the hazards and spread the word! Grass Fires Flier

PUBLIC NOTICE: Boaters Using Middle River

PUBLIC NOTICE: Boaters Using Middle River

March 10, 2012News, Research

UINR wishes to inform the public to exercise caution when using the Middle River for recreational boating purposes between April 16 and June 30, 2012. UINR will be installing a Rotary Screw Trap (smolt wheel) on Middle River at approximately 46° 05’ 49.8N, 60° 55’ 18.8W to catch Atlantic salmon smolts to estimate their abundance and … Read More

UINR staff featured at Wagmatcook Lecture Series

UINR staff featured at Wagmatcook Lecture Series

February 10, 2012Moose, News, Research

UINR Moose Management Coordinator Clifford Paul and UINR Biologist and Research Coordinator Shelley Denny are presenting at the Wagmatcook Lecture Series on Thursday February 23 at 10:00 am. Clifford will discuss moose regulations and harvesting initiatives underway through the province-wide Moose Management Initiative. Shelley’s talk will be on the science of eels, covering such topics … Read More

Welcome Keith Christmas

Welcome Keith Christmas

February 7, 2012Guardian Program, News, People

UINR is pleased to announce that Keith Christmas is joining our staff as Unama’ki Guardian Coordinator. With a wealth of experience in natural resource management, Keith has been a Guardian in Membertou for almost 10 years. Here’s what Keith has to say: “I am very excited to work with such a highly-respected organization as the … Read More

It's all about the people…Weldon Bona

It's all about the people…Weldon Bona

February 7, 2012Media, News, People

For someone who is always behind the scenes, on the other side of the camera, it feels strange to be here on the pages of the Marten. Somehow, over the past 24 issues I’ve been able to avoid the spotlight, but since this is our 25th issue, it’s time to come out from behind the … Read More

The Oyster Garden

The Oyster Garden

January 15, 2012News

I always wanted to tell this story and every time somebody talks about the eel feast they had, I want to tell it more than ever, especially since in our last issue we saw Blair Bernard skinning eels and how tasty they were, according to him. The cold weather is setting in with a little … Read More

Kina’matnewey na klikn

Kina’matnewey na klikn

January 11, 2012News, Partnerships

In recognition of Mi’kmaq History Month, UINR joined Cape Breton University’s Unama’ki College in its dedication of Kina’matnewey Na Klinkn (Strengthening Knowledge) in the University’s courtyard. UINR’s Executive Director Lisa Young, Elder Advisor Albert Marshall and his son Albert J, joined CBU President Dr. John Harker in a ceremonial planting of culturally significant Mi’kmaq plants. … Read More

Feast in the Highlands 2011

Feast in the Highlands 2011

January 7, 2012Galleries, Moose, News

It was a beautiful, sunny fall day for the sixth annual Feast in the Highlands, an event that usually has snow and sleet to dampen the coals of the campfires! For the past six years, the Moose Working Group has organized a gathering in the Cape Breton Highlands to celebrate the annual moose hunt and … Read More