Eel Video Day 2-Eel Lifecycle

Eel Video Day 2-Eel Lifecycle

April 18, 2013News

Today’s Eel video is EEL LIFECYCLE. You can watch it here. Eels can live to over 40 years and have a unique and complex lifecycle, starting life down south in the Sargaso Sea and finding their way to live and mature in Cape Breton lakes and rivers. Parks Canada Ecologist James Brigland joins UINR’s Shelley … Read More

Eel Video Day 1-Eel Habitat

Eel Video Day 1-Eel Habitat

April 17, 2013News

UINR is releasing a series of ten short videos on the American eel. Every day, for the next ten days, UINR will release a new video and post its link here, on our Facebook page–UINRpage and on Twitter @UINR. Today’s eel video is EEL HABITAT–Where they live and all about eel lifestyle is the theme. Shelley … Read More

Everything You Wanted to Know About Eels…

Everything You Wanted to Know About Eels…

April 16, 2013News

UINR is releasing a series of ten short videos on the American eel. Together, the series tells everything we know about the American eel in Cape Breton. Produced in cooperation with Parks Canada,scientists from UINR, Parks Canada and Cape Breton University, fishers, cooks and Elders from around Cape Breton tell stories of the eel’s fascinating … Read More

UINR Marten – Spring 2013

UINR Marten – Spring 2013

April 11, 2013News, Research

The latest issue of UINR Marten, our 30th, is now available for a free download here. This issue is packed with information on UINR’s activities and resources, everything from information of identifying salmon to news on the Golden Award winners. This issue’s It’s All About the People features a profile on UINR’s Commercial Fisheries Liaison … Read More

How old is that salmon??

How old is that salmon??

February 25, 2013Commerical Fisheries, Research

Staff from UINR, Eskasoni Fish & Wildlife Commission and Potlotek Guardians were at hand at a workshop, hosted by UINR, to age salmon by examining their scales. Fred Whoriskey, Executive Director of the Ocean Tracking Network, provided the background of his organization’s activities in the Bras d’Or Lakes and throughout Nova Scotia. He explained some … Read More



February 24, 2013Commerical Fisheries, News, Research

Training for CAPTAINS and FIRST MATES on the identification, handling and release of marine animals considered species-at-risk such as marine mammals, sharks, wolffish and sea turtles. Presentations will be given by the Canadian Sea Turtle Network, Marine Animal Response Society and the World Wildlife Fund.   MEMBERTOU and POTLOTEK–Membertou Trade and Convention Centre, Tuesday February … Read More

New Research Article on Eel Parasite Published

New Research Article on Eel Parasite Published

February 12, 2013News, Research

UINR is proud to announce the publication of our first research article in the journal BioInvasions Records of the Regional Euro-Asian Biological Invasions Centre (REABIC). Distribution, prevalence and intensity of Anguillicoloides crassus in the American eel, Anguilla rostrata, in the Bras d’Or Lakes, Nova Scotia was written by Shelley K. Denny, Angela Denny and Tyson … Read More

Meet MELC's New Coordinator

Meet MELC's New Coordinator

February 1, 2013MELC, News, Unama'KIDS

Welcome Nadine LeFort, Mi’kmaq Environmental Learning Centre’s Education and Outreach Coordinator. Nadine will be coordinating the Unama’KIDS program, Nikani Awtiken summer camp and working on other education projects. Nadine recently returned home to Cape Breton after working for four years as Education Program Director and Curriculum Developer for the Sierra Club BC in Victoria. She … Read More

UINR 2011/2012 Annual Report

UINR 2011/2012 Annual Report

January 11, 2013News

UINR’s Annual Report 2011/2012–Continuing the Tradition– covers UINR’s activities from April 2011–March 2012. Our Annual Report also outlines our partners and lists our staff and board of directors for the period. The report also gives an overview of our audited financial statements. You can download a copy here.  

Kataq: Journey of Our Eels

Kataq: Journey of Our Eels

December 10, 2012News, Research

A new children’s book was published today that tells the story of a Cape Breton eel from a Mi’kmaw perspective. Kataq: Journey of our Eels is illustrated by well-known artist Dozay Christmas and is written by Angela Denny and Shelley Denny of the Unama’ki Institute of Natural Resources. The book is in English with side-by-side … Read More

Wli Nipi Alasutma aqq  Pusu’l Puna’ne!

Wli Nipi Alasutma aqq Pusu’l Puna’ne!

December 7, 2012News

The Board of Directors and staff at UINR wish you a wonderful holiday season and look forward to working with you in 2013! UINR will close for the holidays starting Thursday December 20 and will reopenThursday January 3.

UINR Marten – Fall 2012

UINR Marten – Fall 2012

November 30, 2012News

The latest issue of UINR Marten is now available as a free download in our library. This issue features stories and photos of UINR’s tree plantings to restore salmon habitat, community plantings in Membertou, Feast in the Highlands and a feature profile of UINR’s Unama’ki Guardian Coordinator Keith Christmas. We conclude Charlie Dennis’ latest story … Read More