- Tia'm: Mese'k / The Whole Moose POSTER
- Tia'm: Mese'k / The Whole Moose FACT SHEET
- UINR 2017 Calendar
- The Oyster Garden: Kiju' Tells Her Story
- Mn'tmu'k: Mi'kmaq Ecological Knowledge–Eastern Oysters in Unama'ki
- Impacts of Climate Change and Sea Level Rise on the Mi'kmaq Communities of the Bras d'Or Lakes Phase Two Project Report
- UINR Calendar 2016
- Tiam facts
- FACT SHEET: Apistane’wj American Marten Martus americana
- FACT SHEET: Apli’kmuj Snowshoe Hare Lepus americans struthopus
- FACT SHEET: Ji’kaw Striped Bass Morone saxatalis
- FACT SHEET: Katew Eel Anguilla rostrata
- FACT SHEET: Kitpu Bald Eagle Haliaeetus leucocephalus
- FACT SHEET: Mn’tmu’k Oyster Crassostrea virginica
- FACT SHEET: Muin Black Bear Ursus americanus
- FACT SHEET: Peju Atlantic Cod Gadus morhua
- FACT SHEET: Plamu Atlantic Salmon Salmo salar
- FACT SHEET: Tiam Moose Alces alces andersoni
- FACT SHEET: Wisawtaqji’j Goldthread Coptis trifolia
- FACT SHEET: Wisqoq Black Ash Fraxinus nigra
- UINR 2015 Calendar
- CABIN: Water Quality in Streams
- CAMP: Community Aquatic Monitoring Program
- Peju: COD in the Bras d'Or Lakes
- Kataq: EELS in the Bras d'Or Lakes
- Ji'kaw: Striped BASS in the Bras d'Or Lakes
- Plamu: Atlantic SALMON in Middle River
- Impacts of Climate Change and Sea Level Rise on the Mi'kmaq Communities of the Bras d'Or Lakes Phase One Project Report
- Malikewe'j: Understanding the Mi'kmaq Way
- Tiam–This is Our Story
- Tiam–Mi'kmaq Ecological Knowledge: Moose in Unama'ki
- 2014 Calendar
- Peju–Mi'kmaq Ecological Knowledge: Cod in Unama'ki
- Ji'kaw–Mi'kmaq Ecological Knowledge: Striped Bass in Unama'ki
- Plamu–Mi'kmaq Ecological Knowledge: Atlantic Salmon in Unama'ki
- Malikewe'j–Best Management Practices
- UINR Annual Report 2011/2012
- UINR 2013 Calendar
- Kataq: Journey of our Eels
- Netukulimk: Bras d'Or Lakes Eels
- Mi’kmaq Ecological Knowledge Distribution of Culturally Significant Plants
- Lead Poisoning in Eagles
- Sespite'tmnej–Let's protect eel habitat WAGMATCOOK
- Kataq– MEK Bras d'Or Lakes Eels
- Sespite'tmnej–Let's protect eel habitat MEMBERTOU
- Sespite'tmnej–Let's protect eel habitat WAYCOBAH
- UINR Annual Report 2009/2010
- UINR 2011 Calendar
- Sespite'tmnej–Let's protect eel habitat ESKASONI
- Tetpaqiewanej Jakejk–Let’s Take Care of the Lobster
- Wulo'tmnej Miniku–Let's Take Care of the Island
- Sespite'tmnej–Let's protect eel habitat POTLOTEK
- Tetpaqo'tmnej Qata'skwl - Use Eelgrass Meadows Properly
- Sustainable Hardwood Management in Today's Acadian Forests
- UINR 2010 Calendar
- Tia’muwe’l Netuklimkewe’l–Unama’ki Moose Harvesting According to Netukulimk
- The Five Moose Guidelines
- Moose Guidelines HISTORY
- Moose Guidelines Background
- Aboriginal Traditional Knowledge: Moving Forward Workshop Report
- Moose Brochure
- UINR Brochure
- Grass Fires Flier
- Piping Plovers in the Bras d’Or Lakes
- UINR 2008-2009 Annual Report
- Eel grass Habitat Maps of the Near-shore Environment of the Bras d’Or Lakes
- Bras d’Or Lakes Marine Environmental Water Quality
- Background Report (MEQ)
- Unama’kik Jakejue’ka’timk Food, Social, and Ceremonial Lobster Fishery Management Plan for Unama’ki 2007–2008 September
- Collaborative Salmon Initiative Proceedings
- Species at Risk: American Marten Information
- Species at Risk poster
- Traditional Ecological Knowledge Workshop Proceedings
UINR Marten
- UINR Marten–Vol.12 Issue 2-Summer 2016
- UINR Marten–Vol.12 Issue 1-Spring 2016
- UINR Marten-Vol.11 Issue 4-Winter 2016
- UINR Marten–Vol.11 Issue 3-Fall 2015
- UINR Marten–Vol.11 Issue 1,2-Spring/Summer 2015
- UINR Marten–Vol.10 Issue 4-Winter 2015
- UINR Marten–Vol.10 Issue 3 Fall 2014
- UINR Marten-Vol.10 Issue 2-Summer 2014
- UINR Marten–Vol.10 Issue 1-Spring 2014
- UINR Marten–Vol.9 Issue 4-Winter 2014
- UINR Marten–Vol.9 Issue 3-Fall 2013
- UINR Marten–Vol.9 Issue 2-Summer 2013
- UINR Marten–Vol.9 Issue 1-Spring 2013
- UINR Marten–Vol.8 Issue 4-Winter 2013
- UINR Marten-Vol.8 Issue 3-Fall 2012
- UINR Marten-Vol.8 Issue 2-Summer 2012
- UINR Marten-Vol.8 Issue 1–Spring 2012
- UINR Marten-Vol.7 Issue 4-Winter 2012