In June 2016 UINR’s Moose Management Coordinator Clifford Paul spent two weeks in the Republic of Ghana in West Africa at a workshop to share Mi’kmaw perspectives on the struggles and possibilities for indigenous peoples in building community resilience.
Clifford sent us regular updates on his trip (when he had wifi!) While there he shared his involvement in moose management, natural resource management, and the Two-Eyed-Seeing approach.
“This is definitely a great opportunity to highlight our moose management portfolio on an international front. That they get to hear from an indigenous First Nations natural resource manager should give up-and-coming natural resource students hope and confidence that traditional management models can be successfully employed with modern western scientific models. Workshop students will come from several countries within the continent and are certainly eager to hear of our challenges and successes in Unama’ki.”
For the complete story, photos from the trip to Ghana, please check out our Facebook page and search for the hashtag #CliffordinGhana to see all the photos and Clifford’s tales!
In the meantime, here’s a sneak peek.