www.brasdorcepi.ca is the place to go to learn about the Bras d’Or Lakes Collaborative Environmental Planning Initiative.

710There you can learn about the Lakes, contribute to the development and assist in the implementation of a management plan for the Bras d’Or Lakes and surrounding watershed.

The website is new and CEPI is working on it every day to make available reports, scientific studies, traditional ecological knowledge, meeting notices, news, and events. It’s a way for you to stay in touch, have your say, and learn about some of the things that are happening on the Lakes we all share.

After looking closely at CEPI’s history, accomplishments, structure, and goals, CEPI’s Communications team, in developing its Communications Plan, came up with two key messages:

Key messages

Working together to create a blueprint for the long-term well-being of the Bras d’Or Lakes and its peoples.

Taking action together as a team of First Nations, federal, provincial and municipal governments, businesses, community groups, and other organizations.

Primary message

CEPI’s message is that “The Bras d’Or Lakes are golden.”

Arm of Gold is the French translation of Bras d’Or and the eight pointed Mi’kmaq star signifies the importance of maintaining balance in the environment and within oneself. This centuries-old Mi’kmaq symbol of unity “the eight-legged starfish” illustrates the First Nation’s involvement in the CEPI process.

A sense of value and importance is inherent in the message. You will be hearing the slogan a lot in the coming years as CEPI brings its message to the general public.


From UINR Marten – Vol.3. Issue.1 – Spring 2007