UINR would like your input to help shape a position on the listing of Katew, American eel.
DFO is checking in to see whether previous positions have changed.
The meeting will cover:
- Eel Knowledge – what we know and don’t know
- Species at Risk Act (SARA)
- Fishers’ previous position on listing
- Approaches to conservation / fisheries management – is listing the only solution?
We will host two virtual meetings. Join the one that best meets your schedule.
The same information will be covered in both meetings.
Wednesday, March 20, 6-9pm
Thursday, March 21, 6-9pm
The Zoom link (for both meetings) is:
We will draft a position based on your input, and make it available for you to review before April 8, 2024.
For further information, contact:
Shae Denny: shae@uinr.ca (902)577-8868
Shelley Denny: shelley.denny@uinr.ca (902)578-4340
Click the link below to view or download meeting flyer: