Ni’n na Unama’kik wkamlamun.

Ki’s sa’q mimaji, nujituan mkumi, samqwan aq wju’sn. Msit ula mawlukutik kisa’luksi Kinu me wenik kiskuk. Msit koqoey mawa’tumk kelo’tk msit mimajuaqn. Menaqaj iloqaptmumk ta’n telwije’tultik aq ta’n tela’sik koqoey, ta’n telki’k aq ta’n teli apjejk, npitn a’jela’lultoqsip nike’aq elmiknik. Mu menaqaj nike’ maliamuksiwan, npitis ma’kissmuluoq msit kisna ikaluluoq aq ma’ maliamaqik ta’nik eykik wsitqamu’k nike. Ajipjitu menaqaj ankaptasin ta’n kistlmawo’ltitesnu aq kepmite’tmenu. Ma kisnewtuktmu ni’n ula, nuta’yk apoqnmasuti. Mu nin, nike’tetpaqe’wioq aqq mu tajikewan na mu eyknuk koqoey kise’ytu aq mu eymuk wen mimajitew.


Quspem Wjijaqmijil Kelusilitll na wi’katikn kiswi’kmi’tij Pitu’paq Collaborative Environmental Planning Initiative [CEPI] etek ta’n kisaptmi’tij tli- Anko’tasin aq maliaptasin Pitu’paq aqq maqamikew tepow Kisitasik wjit msit wen maw kaplno’l aq ta’nik wikultijik tepow Pitu’paq wikultijik aq ta’n wsitqamu telik. Teli-skutasik Pitu’paq staqa mimajikel, kisa’lajik wenik sespite’tmnew aq mimaju’najik wenik.Ula wi’katikniktuk wejiaq ta’n tl-pmita’taq Mi’kmaq wikultijik Unama’kik aq kaplno’lk wjit kjikanke’kati’l, Kniskamijenaqi’k aq kmitkinaq kulaman kis’maw-lukutitaq aq mawi-apoqnmatultitaq ta’n teli maw mawanko’tmit aq menaq jo’tmitij Pitu’paq. Ktu’ kitmn Msit wi’katikn “Wjija’qamijel Quspemk Kelusa’silitl”, pasik nasa’si aq lie


Executive Summary

I am the heart of Cape Breton. I have existed for millennia, shaped by ice, water and wind. All of these influences worked together to make me what I am today. All things are connected to each other forming the great circle of life. If close attention is paid to my cycles and rhythms, to my ebbs and flows, you will see that I can provide for now and for the future. If close attention is not paid, I will wither: I will not be able to feed all of you, shelter you, or provide for all creatures that live within me. It is my hope that great attention can be paid to how we can live together in harmony, and with respect. I cannot do this alone: I am in great need of your assistance.

Come walk with me.

The Spirit of the Lakes Speaks is a document created by the Bras d’Or Lakes Collaborative Environmental Planning Initiative [CEPI] with a vision for the protection and sustainability of the Bras d’Or Lakes and its watershed. For a complete version of The Spirit of the Lakes Speaks document, please visit